Where are The Buttons

The above is a silly video I wrote and directed for a Hack Day at a previous company (Intent Media, RIP). The below text is the description I wrote for this video (for this web site) back in 2013!!!!

I have already mentioned my awesome company INTENT MEDIA. The above is a silly video I wrote and directed for Intent's Hack Day in April 2013. A little background info: A few months ago our building updated its elevator system so that passengers choose their floor in the lobby and then are directed (by a capricious gold-encased touchscreen) to the elevator that can most "efficiently" make a stop on their floor. The happy little ecosystem that is Intent Media descended into chaos. "Where are the buttons?" were the words echoing through the 9th floor, which a lucky few of IM's employees were somehow able to reach. Then we realized something: we don't need buttons. At Intent Media, we provide predictive analytics to help retailers recognize and react to the unique value of each site visitor. Why should we expect any less from our elevators? Just as we can present a visitor with the right ad, our elevators can show a visitor to the right floor.