Hi! My name is Beatrix Carroll but call me Betsy. I am a Software Engineer--both Machine Learning and fullstack. (Click HERE to download my resume.) I am also an artist. I am also a mermaid. Most importantly, I am a STAND UP COMIC! But I am also so much more (see left). I really love hobbies so I have a lot of them. I am a busy woman. I'll sleep when I'm dead!!! Also, hopefully, I will do my laundry, pay my taxes, and clean up my desktop then.

You might wanna social network me but...

FACEBOOK? I'll just wait for the FaceMovie....

TWITTER? I hardly know 'er!

INSTAGRAM? I'd rather have an instaKILO!

 Disclaimer:  This site is a journal / blog / digital coloring book for me, and updating it is a fun chill way for me to store my memories for my own satisfaction. It's also a storage system of sorts for me, so I sometimes direct people to it because its where I keep my files! But please don't take anything too seriously, or think that I take this seriously. This is a terrible site with horrible coding practices... just wanted you to know that I know that!!! Now have fun.